Subtle Affirmations
The truth illuminates the nature of the spirit.

Archive for the ‘Affirmations’ Category

Subtle Affirmations Book Release

Posted on: May 31st, 2022 by admin No Comments

I am so excited and pleased to announce that you can now get your very own copy of Subtle Affirmations. Currently only available through Check it out!

Spirituality In a Nutshell

Posted on: May 20th, 2022 by admin No Comments

Spirituality is a term that is often associated with more mystery than clarity. For some people, spirituality implies religious beliefs, or finding oneself. And for others, it’s a realm of pentagrams, spells, and forces that seem to determine people’s fate or fortune. For me, spirituality is about staying anchored in our true nature so that we do not fall victim to this or any other transient life. The truth is we are guests in this material world. However, we have wondered off from our true nature that we now believe we are part of this world. We have become less and less aware of our abilities and true nature. As a result, we have stopped nurturing the light that we contribute into this world. So, this world is falling into chaos partly because we are not being the custodians that it needs.

It is customary for us to believe that we have no power to shape our lives, thanks to cultural and religious indoctrination. When such indoctrination starts early in our lives, it keeps us from realizing our natural freedom and right to command our lives. So, we must depend on something else, since we are unaware of the function that is ours to serve in our own lives.

There is so much of our potential that remains hidden because of the limiting convictions that we inherit. The challenge of exploring our hidden potential or realizing our spiritual nature is therefore the challenge of overcoming limiting convictions in order to realize our true nature. This is the purpose of spirituality. Spirituality is about you, the spirit, just as biology is about your body. It’s about educating ourselves to be aware of our true nature and potential so that we can retain our spiritual integrity. We often think of spirituality in the context of deities, not as something to address or preserve our intrinsic nature. Then during the course of life, we become complacent defining our identity in terms of our race, gender, or culture. And what this does is reinforce our human existence—not our spiritual nature. So, the knowledge that we carry with us at the end of life, is that of a finite existence. In that knowledge of a finite existence, we limit our awareness of our true nature, and also become oblivious of our potential for eternity.

The imbalance between the knowledge of our human experience and our true nature preconditions us to believe in a finite existence. The reduction of our spiritual awareness over time makes it so that the finite reality of the world we are living in seems applicable to us. Therefore, these are the challenges that we seek to overcome with spirituality. The methods that we use to realize our spiritual nature (meditation for instance) is the essence of spirituality. Spirituality has nothing to do with God(s). It’s about looking beyond the façade of our human experience and reawakening to the subtle, yet powerful forces responsible for manifesting life. Existence takes on a new meaning when you realize that the force that shapes life is inherent to your true nature. But before you can get to that realization, you must battle all kinds of falsehoods and limiting convictions that leave you dependent, rather than free!


The truth is, if you believe yourself to be subservient to life, you don’t know yourself! A sock puppeteer is not subservient to his/her sock puppets. Likewise, you are not subservient to your body. Therefore, the purpose of spirituality is to unravel the truth to that effect and restore the power that belongs to you. Spirituality is not for the faint of heart. Living in a world that is contrary to our true nature is tough! It takes a lot more than fluff or feel-good popular sentiment to remain aware of our true nature. That is why truth-based spirituality is the only way of life that can nourish and empower the spirit. Armed with the truth, the spirit can withstand the illusions of this world and stay true to its own nature. Our spiritual nature is an actuality of life—not a fantasy. This will become evident to you if you can quiet your mind enough for your consciousness to become untangled from the indoctrination of our human existence!

Your Individuality

Posted on: April 2nd, 2022 by admin No Comments

Your individuality (true nature) is more important than your identity (physical being). When you understand what that means, you can be free to embrace the truth. Before we can embrace our true nature, we must first discipline ourselves to abstain from craving identity. We have inherited a lie through human existence that having an identity is more important than our individuality. But, in a spiritual context, as long as you have an insatiable craving for an identity, it will cripple your awareness of your individuality. If your identity is like a burning candle, your individuality is like oxygen. So, if you become subservient to your identity, you will only inherit it’s level of awareness and limitations. There is nothing in this world that compares to your true nature. Let your awareness transcend with Subtle Affirmations.


Let’s Get To The Truth

Posted on: March 24th, 2022 by admin No Comments

It’s time to set the record straight! The illusions of this world have concealed the truth about your power for far too long. But you can change that! If you want to know how, Subtle Affirmations is a must-read! Coming soon!