Subtle Affirmations
The truth illuminates the nature of the spirit.

Archive for the ‘Consciousness’ Category

Time & The Most Powerful Spiritual Truth That It Obscures

Posted on: January 16th, 2023 by admin No Comments

Do you ever get the feeling that you remain the same as time goes by? Of course, your body and state of mind will change through time. But do you, the observer, really change?

We lose ourselves within the changes of time, yet we are the one’s observing time within the context of the past present and future. But would time exist at all if there was no one to observe its beginning? Moreover, if the existence of time depends on having an observer, what is the nature of the observer before time? That’s a lot of questions, I know! But by now you might be feeling a bit anxious about how exposed you feel, after realizing that you might have the potential to exist independent of time. And that is where spirituality comes in.


Even the story of heaven and hell acknowledges your immortality. While Heaven represents the most desirable condition to exist in after death, Hell is symbolic of the undesirable state for you to exist in after death. And that is the state in which you have become unaware of your true nature. Therefore, you may suffer perpetually in conflict within yourself. So, it stands to reason that you must know your true nature, or you will have nothing to return to when time passes. Do you understand?

There are no short cuts to regaining your spiritual certainty. It took a lot of factors to make you forget what you are. So, it will take conscious effort on your part to undo the convictions that have blinded you to your true nature. And that starts with you taking responsibility for your involvement with time.


Some religions portray spirituality as a mechanism for obedience. But spirituality is a mechanism for enlightenment, reawakening the spirit, and reminding it not to be consumed by time or parish with it while living in human form. When you discover your true nature and truly realize that you as a spiritual being can exist within or outside of the context of time, you will have found spiritual freedom. And this is a goal that I encourage you to prioritize achieving before time forces you to let go. Only then can you live free! You cannot free yourself from time while you are unaware of your true nature. So, time will force you to relive your mistakes, until you are mature in spirit.

I know this might be a lot for you to take in, and I don’t expect you to believe me. So, all I ask of you is that you meditate on the things that I have shared with you, so that you can make up your mind as to whether it is true. Only you can elevate your awareness. So, it would be unkind of me to take away that privilege from you by expecting you to believe me. What I truly hope for in sharing my experiences is that you may be able to experience it for yourself. You will not need to believe anything then, because you will simply know. And that knowledge or awareness is the essence of the truth that will empower you and set you spiritually free!

By Tapiwa Chitembure