The Only Death There Is

Posted on: January 12th, 2023 by admin No Comments

The only death there is, is being unaware of your true nature. Why? Let me explain. Romans 6 verse 23, paraphrased, tells us “The wage of sin is death.” Some Christians have limited the meaning of sin to moral misbehavior. But moral misbehavior is only a ripple effect of the original transgression that no one seems to be clear on what it is, beyond the muddy story of Adam and Eve.

Jesus left us some clues as to what the original sin is in Psalms 82 verses 5 to 7, and I quote, “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.  I have said, You are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.  But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.” End quote.

Jesus alludes to the reason for our downfall in this verse. However, some Christians overlook this, or feel unworthy of such responsibility. The foundation of life is shaken because we have forgotten what we are. You cannot see the god in you while you are enthralled in the conviction that you are only human! And that is the problem! So, we cannot rise above human nature, until we discover our true nature.


If you only think of yourself as a human being, you are thinking of yourself in a manner that is estranged from God. Why? Because that is not what you are! Jesus said you are a god. So, unless you know your true nature, you cannot know God, don’t you see? Therefore, in thinking of yourself as only human, you degrade yourself to a mortal being.  So, death, or unawareness of your true nature, becomes of you. But that is only because death is consistent with human existence. Do you follow?

I would argue that an atheist is merely someone who has become blind to their own true nature. Their sin is not against God, but against themselves. Because by denying God, they also inadvertently try to deny out of existence the spirit that they are themselves. But that is not entirely possible. And so, they suffer in conflict within themselves.  


We are taught to fear God under the premise that we are only human. Also, we are taught to fear exploring our spiritual nature, even when we are pure in heart, as something evil or ungodly. But the truth is we are being taught to fear the realizations that lead to our salvation, the truth.  And the truth is that we are gods. Perhaps not in the sense of creating everything, but in the sense of immortal beings that exist free from the limits of time.

The path towards our spiritual awakening is riddled with superstition, irrational fears, lies, and false knowledge. As a result, it took me a long time to filter through the noise and find the truth. I share my experiences and observations in the book Subtle Affirmations. If you feel inclined to read it, I ask that you read it with an open mind, and then come to your own conclusions. But, even if you don’t read my book, I urge you to read the Bible from this perspective, not in fear or out of the need to appease God, but in search of insights into your true nature. Only then will you understand.

Do not fear offending God, in your search for truth. God would not be offended by you seeking the truth. After all, they are one and the same, right? So let your heart be free to seek the truth, and may the truth set you free.

With all my love,

Taps (Tapiwa)

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